Pure Air Design
Pure Air Design
Medical-Grade Technology, designed to make your Business Breathe Easier.
The Covid Killer
The Covid Killer
Our 3 Step Process is designed to Filter and Eliminate COVID-19 and other Hazards.
Protect your Clients, Customers, and Employees.
Coronaviruses are a family of related RNA viruses that infect birds and mammals (this includes humans!).
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Learn more about Pure Air Designs Easy 3 Step Process. To protecting your Home, Business, and Outdoor Workspaces.
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Questions about Pure Air Design's process? Ready to Schedule a Consultation? Connect with us today!
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Our Commitment to Public Health

Using Medical Technology to make our Homes and Businesses Safe.

Pure Air Design remains committed to providing clean environmental services upholding the highest standards of workmanship and products. Our customer care commercial department adheres to rigorous protocols provided by Medical Experts and Industry Professionals and uses products registered by the United States (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency. Eliminate dangerous viruses, bacteria, mold, and spores now with Pure Air Design.

Each Aspect of our Service and Commitment is custom Designed with Safety and well-being in Mind. We are working, together with the highest standards, to keep: Families, Employees, Business Owners & the Public, Safe.

Our Process

Let Pure Air Design be Your Solution for Destroying Viruses, Bacteria and Mold.


Medical Grade Equipment, OSHA and CDC Approved Products

Pure Air Design Utilizes Medical Grade Equipment & Products:

We offer clients clarity while simplifying complexity and adhering to rigorous protocols provided by Medical Experts & Industry Professionals.

  • EPA Registered Anabec Anasphere Disinfectant (Destroys 99.9% of Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, and Spores)
    • EPA Registered Concentrated Disinfectant
    • Eliminates Viruses Including: Hepatitis, MRSA, Influenza, Measles, Nora -Staphylococcus, and Coronavirus
  • UV-C Germicidal Lighting Fixtures (Destroys 99.9% of Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, and Spores)
  • UV-C Medical Grade Decontamination Units (Destroys 99.9% of Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, and Spores)
  • HVAC Air Duct UV-C Light Systems. (Destroys 99.9% of Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, and Spores)
    • Removes odor
    • Purifies Indoor Air
    • Destroys harmful microbes in home, office & other commercial space air ducting.

Pure Air Design continually consults with the (CDC) Center for Disease Control, (OSHA) Occupational Safety & Health Administration, and Industry Professionals to maintain product quality and the highest professional standards.

Meet Our Team

Tim Armitage

Tim Armitage

Owner & Founder of Renovation Construction and Design Inc.
Founder of RCD Inc. 35 Years of Experience in, renovation, remodels, new construction, and remediation. A reputation of commitment to excellence, superior service, and Integrity.

Contractor License # 997359
Susan Forster

Susan Forster

Owner & Founder of Pacific Premier Enterprises
40 Years of Residential, Investment, and Commercial Real Estate Experience up and down the West Coast, and in Hawaii. Marketing, Development, Sales Expertise in Commerical and Residential Real Estate.

Art Huffer

Art Huffer

General Manager, RCD & Pure Air Design
25 years of experience in new construction, remodeling, renovation, and remediation. Master Mechanic, Fabricator, Project Lead, and Jobsite Manager. Exceptional Customer Service and Client Satisfaction.
Ethan Obermeyer

Ethan Obermeyer

Owner & Founder of Pacific Premier Enterprises
Specialist in evaluation, remediation, and installation of Medical Grade Environmental Appliances. Focused on delivering business solutions for safe work and social environments.

Recent News

I've known Tim for 30 years. He is the real authentic deal and a dear Friend. RCD's Covid Killer is THE Answer to dealing with and managing this pandemic. It can't Spread if it's Dead!
Dar Dixon

Dar Dixon

Actor, Writer, Director, and Producer

I believe this concept is important and it will help stop the spread of the virus. I've lost 3 clients/friends to COVID-19, and The Covid Killer could be a big help in getting things under control.
Harlan Boll

Harlan Boll

Public Relations Pro